Certified Academic Institution

A Season For All Counseling and Training Center has been a Certified Academic Institution since March 10, 2021. Dr. Jamie Hicks has been affiliated with the NCCA since February 25, 2011. She is a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor—Advanced Certified.
In 2006 I started seeking the Lord like never before. I surrendered my plans for His plans. I remember sitting in a parking lot waiting to pick up my children from school and the whisper of the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, “Go talk to the lady crying and ask her how you can help.” I took the leap of faith and the lady said she was in need of a Christian counselor. I told her I would look and see if I could find her one. To my surprise there was not one Christian counselor in our area. That was when I got the call from my Heavenly Father! He spoke to my heart and said, “Jamie girl- this is what I have created you for!” I took my next leap of faith and the Lord brought me to Dr. Young’s CAI Pastoral Counseling Center. This is where I completed my NCCA training and earned a Ph.D. in Clinical Christian Counseling with an emphasis in Philosophy. The Young’s also provided an opportunity for me to be a clinical supervisor.
After 10 years of counseling the Holy Spirit led me to become a Clinical Supervisor for the NCCA. Shortly after I received that certification the still small voice asked me to open a CAI. If I am being honest, my flesh was fighting the calling to do this. His Word provided me with “Lean not on your own understanding and trust and acknowledge me and I will direct your path” Proverbs 3:5-6. I was convicted to not lean on my understanding but to trust Him!
In 2020 I received my qualifications to become a CAI, A Season for All Counseling and Training Center, through NCCA. Since I received my credentials for the CAI the Lord has blessed me with 12 students and has allowed me to bring on four of the credentialed counselors under my counseling services. In addition to the five Christian counselors on my team there are three other NCCA counselors serving our community! It was the desire of my heart to help those who might not be able to pay for my counseling services and the Lord has been faithful by providing over seven local contacts that cover the cost of Christian counseling.
“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. When you hear that still small voice I encourage you to trust in His ways and not to lean on your understanding of wherever He is calling you. You are set apart, summoned by name with your unique temperament to bring God glory. Remember His heavenly resources supersede any earthly resource. Continue to stay connected to the vine; your redeemer, counselor, peace, strength, helper, and joy.