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Member Spotlight: Dr. Cherry Hayes

Writer: Dr. Phyllis ArnoDr. Phyllis Arno

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

Dr. Cherry Hayes


Andersonville Theological Seminary of Camilla, Georgia has been a Certified Academic Institution since December 18, 1995.

Christian Counseling Student Receives Degree

At Andersonville Theological Seminary, May is an exciting month since we host graduation for all the graduates that wish to participate. In the Christian Counseling Department, we always look forward to meeting and talking with our students. This past Friday, May 27th, we had the opportunity to do just that for the first time in three years since Covid had prohibited our having a large gathering. Both the graduates and the staff enjoyed it immensely. We had a well-known quartet, Gold City, to entertain the families while the graduates prepared to march in. During the ceremony, the students heard from Dr. Jimmy Hayes, the founder of the school, who inspired them by reminding them not to let troublesome times deter accomplishing their mission. The graduates were then challenged by Dr. James Hayes from the Book of Jude to “contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints.” The graduates were then awarded their degrees, which was the most exciting time of the service for those who had worked so diligently.

The Renowned Gold City Quartet Performs

For over thirty years, I have been working as a counseling advisor for Andersonville Theological Seminary. At the seminary, one of my jobs is to work with students who are being trained as NCCA counselors. This has been a great experience and has allowed me to get to know many people who have a heart for helping others to enjoy a peaceful and productive life as a child of God. It has been amazing to watch the Lord work in the lives of students as they become better prepared for this mission. One thing I did not know, however, was God’s plan for the future of Andersonville Theological Seminary’s counseling program. He had a very special blessing in mind for us.

Director Cherry Hayes with Amanda Willie and Abby Johnson

Michelle enjoys time with Mini Kurian

Approximately one year ago, my daughter-in-law, Michelle let it be known that the Lord was calling her into the ministry of counseling. She had been working in health care for the past thirty years and had a very specialized job that paid well; however, she felt the Lord was calling her to do more. The Lord led her to give up that job and come to work at Andersonville Theological Seminary as my associate and enroll in the NCCA license program through the seminary. Once Michelle made some progress in the NCCA program and started working with clients, she became convinced that the Arno Profile System was a very helpful tool that allows her the following advantages:

  • To have insight into the temperament of the person coming for counseling

  • To determine the proper approach for the client; keeping in mind that my Biblical advice will not change, but my approach can vary greatly according to the temperament of the client

  • Allows me to discuss the client’s strengths, giving us a positive platform that we may build on

  • Allows me to be aware of their weaknesses while being careful not to focus too keenly on these weaknesses; thereby, not giving the client an excuse for negative actions or attitudes

  • Allows me to choose Bible selections that will address both strengths and weaknesses.

Michelle has been gifted with a wonderful spirit from the Lord! She meets the client where they are and makes them feel comfortable with making changes that would honor our Savior, Jesus Christ. If you are a student at Andersonville or if you plan to become one, Michelle will be a special encouragement to you since she has so recently taken the classes that you will be taking.



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