Cross and Crown Counseling
An NCCA Certified Academic Institution

Cross and Crown Counseling, founded in February of 2013, is a counseling office and NCCA Certified Academic Institution. Kate Walpole, the founder, and director is an NCCA Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor and NCCA Clinical Supervisor. She is also an International Representative of the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling.
From a very early age, I loved the Word of God. I began reading it on my own when I was 9 years old searching for God my protector, finding safety in His righteous judgement of evil and hope in His patience and love. I could hardly believe that His beloved Son Jesus Christ would die for my sins. The more I read, the deeper my hunger to understand God, His ways and what the Word of God really meant for me grew. Little did I know, the Melancholy mind of my inner child was already on God’s path for my destiny in the kingdom of God. One of the most significant passages of scripture for my life has been Isaiah 61:1-3. “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners; To proclaim the favorable year of the LORD and the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn, to grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of faintness, so they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.” This passage became the foundation of Cross and Crown Counseling.
By God’s grace, He led me to Lisa Winchell’s CAI, In His Image Counseling and Training. I often chuckle at God’s sovereign reign over my life. In His wisdom and foreknowledge, He had planned so much more for my life than training in Christian Counseling. After completing my BA in Christian Counseling and ordination through The National Conservative Christian Church, now Experience Ministries, I founded Cross and Crown Counseling in February of 2013. I was working for another ministry teaching Bible during my schooling and had a little office which they graciously granted to me for use for counseling for a small fee. It was official.
I knew Jesus Christ had come to fulfill the passage of scripture in Isaiah, not only in my life but in each person who would sit across from me sharing their heartache, confusion, and desire for change. Everything the clients could possibly need in this life was found in the person and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. I eagerly searched out additional resources for counseling and practical ways to apply God’s Word with the understanding of the mind, will and emotions of humanity. God had called me to a mission; Counseling in Dallas, Oregon, a small town of about 16,500 people just west of the state capital, Salem.
As lives began to change and word of mouth began to spread that something different was being offered at Cross and Crown Counseling, I found myself working with believers and unbelievers. Some referrals would say, “just don’t talk to me about the Bible, but I heard you have a lot to offer.” My first real challenge was learning how to glorify God as a pastoral counselor and not talk about Him. God lovingly showed me that their hearts cry was to be loved and feel significant. They needed a purpose that was not dependent on the changing emotions and beliefs of others but on a steadfast truth that would never change. As I spoke to their hearts and showed them ways to make healthy changes, I soon found many of those previously shut off from God became willing to consider what He had to say.
The second challenge I faced was the rapid growth and demand for counseling. I was not able to meet the needs of the many people looking for help. Some clients were driving for over an hour for their sessions. I began to pray that God would send more laborers to share in the work. In 2016, He provided just the right person who I referred to In His Image as I was not yet aware that God wanted me to start the CAI. When she finished her training in 2018, she joined the team. As her schedule filled up quickly, she soon began her own family reducing her availability and I realized more help was needed.
In January of 2020, Cross and Crown Counseling, Certified Academic Institute launched. Within a few months students were led to us by word of mouth. Most of the students that have come through Cross and Crown CAI have been local individuals called to ministry. I have not advertised the school yet and believe God will show me how and when to do that. My focus has been to raise up counselors right here and to help them grow and become successful in serving God. Local students have been able to intern in the office during Phase 3 of the BA program and upon completion of the BA, some have the opportunity to be hired on and work at Cross and Crown Counseling as an employee and continue training. Cross and Crown Counseling now consists of myself, one Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor, two Licensed Pastoral Counselors, one intern who just completed her BA and two office staff. We will soon be adding another intern when he completes his ordination.
God has blessed us with office space in our church building where my husband and I also pastor. My goal for growth consists of opening another counseling office in a different town within thirty miles of Dallas and continue to add staff to our counseling ministry team as God brings those He has called to counsel. We have clients all over the country as word of mouth continues to be our greatest advertisement and we praise God for His wisdom shared so that His beloved children can walk in peace and freedom.
Multiplication is a powerful principle, and it demanded a release of the me, myself and I mindset I had established during the early years of Cross and Crown Counseling. I will never forget the day I relinquished control of Cross and Crown Counseling completely to God and let go of fear of man and the fear of losing our reputation when the counselors made mistakes. God challenged me many times in my perfectionism tendencies so I could grow and walk in humility and love for my team. We have a wonderful team that prays for each other, encourages each other, and believes in each other. What an honor and joy it has been to see them grow in grace and confidence. They have become trees of righteousness planted by the Lord where many can find shelter and truth while facing the storms of life. I give God all the glory and appreciation for His kindness to allow me to be part of such a wonderful plan.
When I reflect upon my life, especially the last 10 years, I am in awe of how much bigger God’s plans were and that He chose me to not only counsel but to minister to and support the counselors that come through the CAI as they fulfill God’s plans for their lives.